Frag #76929

Frag #95302

Frag #76429

Frag #45302

FRAGMENT, Tokenize words

Allow publishers and authors around the world to bring their artistic universe to Web3 🚀 and create magnificent NFTs

Phys Copy

Frag #84592


Frag #09564

Cheshire Cat

Frag #98564

About the platform

Create book’s NFT dream collection

When you open a book you enter in a world that belongs to you. Which was created by an author who has expressed all his imagination.

Thats why we work to give you an augmented culture experience by bringing more connection with the author and more actions than just reading a book.

To be simple, we convert all author artistic univers into many fragments that can be characters, physical objects, places or abstract concepts like powers or emotions.

These fragments are Non-Fungible Tokens (or NFT) and are created by our artificial intelligence that produce unique and beautiful artwork.

After that, FRAGMENT Technology push the collection to blockchain and craft the marketing campaign.

We are the first to conceptualize and implement the principle of tokenized fragmentation of the universes of cultural works.


Motorize the tokenization of literary works universes

Our proprietary technology makes it possible to simplify & industrialize in a neutral way. We crafts the digital world thanks to Artificial Intelligence. So we can do it better & faster than any other.

FRAGMENT analyzes the manuscript using a Text Mapping type AI and Machine Learning which makes it possible to understand the universe and know what to model (characters, places, etc.). But above all, FRAGMENT can do this on hundreds of works…at the same time…thus converting a publishing house catalog in the snap of a finger.


Books tokenized by 2025


Fans with us by 2025


More connection and actions than just reading a book

Our Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) makes it possible to offer readers of literary works an enhanced cultural experience and can, thanks to their non-fungible cryptographic tokens, vote on the DAO and participate in the artistic choices of the author or co-finance projects.

How to

Use Fragment as an author 

Few steps to start digitalling your awesome universe

Upload your manuscript

Just send your text to our platform and let the magic happen.

AI analyze the content and create fragments

Thanks to our proprietary AI technology combined with that of DALL·E 2, your universe is modelized then digitalized.

Blockchainized and marketized

Your collection is created on the Blockchain and your marketing campaign is crafted. Start to earn money and benefit to a qualitative fan base.

How to

Use Fragment as a fan

Few steps to start owning awesome universe

Buy or receive your fragments

Get the opportunity to buy some magnificent fragments or earn them at events where you go

Go to events and be part of a community

Enjoy sharing with other people, authors and get envolve on the work creation thanks to DAO

Get rewarded

Earn royalties and enjoy the IP ownership rights of book’s pièces of artwork

Our Concept

The platform

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.
Artificial Intelligence

Automatically create collections


Fragmentum (FRAG) gouvernance token


Creation pipeline to guide customers


Free-Manage your assets

Creative team

Give a human eye to creation


Craft the marketing campaign

Our community

Top #CultureTech anthusiasts from over the world

FRAGMENT community must be built and be involved in the development of our technology. We stick to it and work hard on it. Because the emergence of a new society in the colors of Web3 is beyond doubt.

Join us now

Change the world of CultureTech and start your journey in Web3.


Ai-Free pipeline SaaS
November 2022
Gouvernance Token (FRAGMENTUM $FRAG)
January 2023
Fragment DAO (FDAO)
March 2023
Frag·Verse AI (FVAI)
September 2023
FRAGMENT Crypto-Custody Services (FCCS)
January 2024